Can someone stuck in a ribā-based loan give voluntary charity, or do they need to pay off the ribā-based loan first?

 Q: Can someone stuck in a riba-based loan give voluntary charity, or do they need to pay off the riba-based loan first, given that is a duty, and thereafter resume with giving voluntary charitable donations? الجواب حامدا ومصليا ومسلما ومنه الصدق والصواب   A: One who has taken a haram loan or a conventional mortgage should […]


Profit made out of renting a property bought through unlawful mortgage

Q:  A  landlord, are currently renting out a property which is currently on an unlawful mortgage – is the income/profit made from this property therefore unlawful too? الجواب حامدا ومصليا ومسلما ومنه الصدق والصواب   A:  Whilst it is unlawful to take out an interest-based mortgage the mortgage funds themselves are not unlawful. It is the […]


Can I pay Zakat on my mothers behalf even though I have a student loan to repay? Will it be considered a Sadaqah for me?

Q: Can I pay Zakat on my mothers behalf even though I have a student loan to repay? Will it be considered a Sadaqah? الجواب حامدا ومصليا ومسلما ومنه الصدق والصواب A: You can pay your mother’s Zakat on her behalf with her permission. This will be considered a Sadaqah for you.  Repayment of debt is a […]


Is it acceptable to take a shari’ah compliant loan arranged by the Financing Sharia Enterprise?

Q: The government backed Start Up Loans Company is offering a shariah compliant loan to customers wanting a halal alternative. The shariah compliant loan is being arranged by the Financing Sharia Enterprise and from their website it appears they are using the Mudaraba system. Is this acceptable according to shari’ah? الجواب حامدا ومصليا ومسلما ومنه […]


Is it permissible to take out a business loan or commercial loan?

Q: If looking to buy and take over a business, is it permissible to take out a business loan or commercial loan? الجواب حامدا ومصليا ومسلما ومنه الصدق والصواب A: It is not permissible to take out a conventional business loan when looking to buy and take over a business.  A an interest bearing loan is […]


Is a husband obliged to pay back the debt of his wife?

Q: Is my wife’s student loan something that I as the husband should be considering repaying back on her behalf, on the basis that she may not go back into employment? Does the loan become the husband’s responsibility? What if the husband is currently in the process of clearing his own personal debts?   الجواب […]


Would one be held liable Islamically, it they were to die before paying off thier student loan?

Q: When one dies still owing some student loan, it is written off. What is the Islamic perspective on this? Will we still be held accountable for this in front of Allah? الجواب حامدا ومصليا ومسلما ومنه الصدق والصواب A: As the loan is written off the borrower will not be held accountable for not […]


Can I take a loan that gives a choice between paying the principal within a defined period or the payment of an increment after the period?

Q: Can I take a loan that gives a choice between paying the principal within a defined period or the payment of an increment after the period? الجواب حامدا ومصليا ومسلما ومنه الصدق والصواب A: In principle, any loan that gives a choice between paying just the principal within a defined period or the payment […]


Am I responsible if my wife engages in interest-based activities?

Q: Am I responsible if my wife engages in interest-based activities? I understand that riba is a very serious and major sin. I have been Muslim for four years and am looking to marry a sister insha’Allah. But I just found out recently that she is paying for an interest-only mortgage for her family’s home […]