Do I need to pay Zakat on my pension each year or when I start receiving it?

Q: Do I need to pay Zakat on my pension each year or when I start receiving it at the age of 55? The pension is two fold. 1) My employer contributes £300 per month towards my chosen pension provider. 2) My annual bonus, rather than paying 40% tax on it, is paid to my […]


Is zakat due on an amount of money I only came to possess 11 days before my zakat anniversary?

Q: Is zakat due on an amount of money I only came to possess 11 days before my zakat anniversary, and which is going to be used to buy a house (and therefore not “surplus” wealth)? الجواب حامدا ومصليا ومنه الصدق والصواب A: Once one becomes owner of the nisab one’s lunar year commences.  Any […]