Can I inherit from a non-Muslim?

Q: Can I inherit from a non-Muslim?

الجواب حامدًا و مصليًا و منه الصدق و الصواب

A: There are principally two types of laws that relate to the estate of a propositus, viz. the laws of inheritance and the laws of bequests.

According to the laws of inheritance non-Muslim heirs of a Muslim propositus will not inherit the latter’s estate, whether they are born non-Muslims or are apostates. Similarly, a Muslim cannot inherit from a non-Muslim propositus, provided that the latter was born non-Muslim. If the propositus was an apostate, the property owned by him before his apostasy will be distributed amongst his Muslim heirs. If a woman apostates, all her property, whether acquired before of after apostasy, will be distributed amongst her Muslim heirs.

ففى الدر المختار: (واختلاف الدين) إسلاما وكفرا. (كتاب الفرائض، 505:10)

وفى رد المحتار: قوله: (إسلاما وكفرا) قيد به لأن الكفار يتوارثون فيما بينهم وإن اختلفت مللهم عندنا، لأن الكفر كله ملة واحدة. قوله: (وأما المرتد فيورث عندنا) أى من كسب إسلامه وكسب ردته فىء للمسلمين. وقالا: للوارث المسلم ككسب المرتدة. (كتاب الفرائض، 505:10)

According to the law of bequests, a non-Muslim legator may, in principle, bequeath his property in favour of a Muslim legatee, and similarly, a Muslim legator may, in principle, bequeath his property in favour of a non-Muslim legatee.

ففى بدائع الصنائع: وأما إسلام الموصى فليس بشرط لصحة وصيته، فتصح وصية الذى بالمال للمسلم والذمى فى الجملة؛ لأن الكفر لا ينافى أهلية التمليك. ألا ترى أنه يصح بيع الكافر وهبته، فكذا وصيته. (كتاب الوصايا، مطلب وأما الذى يرجع إلى الموصى، 335:7)

وفى الهداية: قال: (ويجوز أن يوصى المسلم للكافر والكافر للمسلم). (كتاب الوصايا، 657:4)

Thus, whilst you cannot qualify as a legal heir of your father’s estate according to Islamic law, if your father nominates you in his will as a beneficiary of his estate, according to Islamic law, you are entitled to his estate in your capacity as legatee but not as an heir.


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