Can I pursue a career in the financial sector?

Q: For a long time now I have decided to study accountancy and other finance based subjects at university and go on to do a masters degree in Islamic Finance. My understanding is that Islam does not permit any use of interest and even those who deal with interest i.e. accountants, have sinned just by […]


Can I take a loan that gives a choice between paying the principal within a defined period or the payment of an increment after the period?

Q: Can I take a loan that gives a choice between paying the principal within a defined period or the payment of an increment after the period? الجواب حامدا ومصليا ومسلما ومنه الصدق والصواب A: In principle, any loan that gives a choice between paying just the principal within a defined period or the payment […]


Is it permitted to claim unemployment benefits if one is readily able to find work but prefers to stay at home instead?

Q: Is it permitted to claim unemployment benefits if one is readily able to find work but prefers to stay at home instead? الجواب حامدًا و مصليًا و منه الصدق و الصواب A: There are two main unemployment benefits: · Job Seekers Allowance (JSA) · Income Support (IS). JSA can only be rightfully claimed by […]


Am I responsible if my wife engages in interest-based activities?

Q: Am I responsible if my wife engages in interest-based activities? I understand that riba is a very serious and major sin. I have been Muslim for four years and am looking to marry a sister insha’Allah. But I just found out recently that she is paying for an interest-only mortgage for her family’s home […]


My mother agreed to let her property be used for a madrassa, however she now needs to sell the property due to financial hardships. Is she able to do this?

Q: My mother agreed to let her property be used for a madrassa, however she now needs to sell the property due to financial hardships. Is she able to do this? My mother has been donating money to Islamic projects in the past and came across an Imam who wanted to establish a madrasa in […]


Is it permissible to use interest free finance to purchase a car?

Q. Please can you explain if it’s permissible to use interest free finance to purchase a car. Some showrooms let you hire-purchase cars where it’s interest free, with no deposit. There is a scheme for certain company employees that allow the following deal: 8% off rrp and 0% interest. This seems to be a popular […]


Are you allowed to give money to pay off someone’s debt while knowing that part of that is likely to go towards paying off interest?

Q: Are you allowed to give money to pay off someone’s debt while knowing that part of that is likely to go towards paying off of interest? The recipient of the financial help is a non-Muslim.   الجواب حامدا ومصليا ومنه الصدق والصواب A: In principle, if you gift or lend someone some money that […]


Should I quit my job if they sell unlawful items or is it sufficient for me to give away the percentage earned from unlawful items?

Q: Should I quit my job if they sell unlawful items or is it sufficient for me to give away the percentage earned from unlawful items? الجواب حامدا ومصليا ومسلما ومنه الصدق والصواب A: It is not permissible for you to sell unlawful items and any remuneration earned from such sale is also unlawful. Even […]


Is it permissible to lease out a property to a company who offer a number of personal finance products such as pawn broking, cash for gold, cash advance and personal loans?

Q: Is it permissible to lease out a property to a company who do traditional retail, buying and selling, but more recently introduced a number of personal finance products such as pawn broking, cash for gold, cash advance and personal loans? الجواب حامدا ومصليا ومسلما ومنه الصدق والصواب A: In principle, if the property is […]


What constitutes aiding in sin when working for a software house, as a service provider, as a software engineer, software developer, web designer or web developer?

Q: What constitutes aiding in sin when working for a software house, as a service provider, as a software engineer, software developer, web designer or web developer? What should one look out for to understand when one is aiding in sin when working for a software house, as a service provider, as a software engineer, […]


Can I perform my prayers during the time in which clients have paid for my services?

Q: Can I perform my prayers during the time in which clients have paid for my services? الجواب حامدا ومصليا ومسلما ومنه الصدق والصواب A: Whilst you are required to perform your obligatory prayers within the correct time and it is very understanding of your employer to allow you to do so, you cannot charge […]