Would insurance be permissible for martial arts’ students to take out health and safety purposes – as this is the requirement of the law of the land?

Q: Would it be Islamically permissible for martial arts’ students to take out insurance cover for health and safety purposes – as this is the requirement of the law of the land? الجواب حامدا ومصليا ومسلما ومنه الصدق والصواب A: Conventional insurance contravenes the Sharī‘ah prohibition on ribā, gharar, and maysir.  Therefore, one should only […]


What is the Islamic position on ‘Spread Betting’?

Q: What is the Islamic position on ‘Spread Betting’?  Please find below two definitions given for this activity. From http://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/spreadbetting.asp Definition of ‘Spread Betting’ A type of speculation that involves taking a bet on the price movement of a security. A spread betting company quotes two prices, the bid and offer price (also called the spread), […]