Is it permissible for an Islamic charity to give Zakat funds to individual beneficiaries in the form of goods rather than cash?

Q: Is it permissible for an Islamic charity to give Zakat funds to individual beneficiaries in the form of goods (rather than cash)? This could include livelihood equipment, such as sewing machines, farming equipment, livestock; medication or medical treatments; school books; education or training courses; paying salaries of service providers (e.g. teachers or doctors).

الجواب حامدا ومصليا ومسلما ومنه الصدق والصواب

A: It is permissible for an Islamic charity to give zakat funds to eligible individual beneficiaries in the form of goods such as sewing machines, farming equipment, livestock, medication, school books, and other educational materials.  However, an Islamic charity cannot simply provide or pay for services such as education or training courses.  The individual recipient must actually own and possess the good itself.


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