To assist Imams in raising awareness about the importance of certain legal and financial matters, Al-Qalam are happy to provide the following online resources:
Friday Sermons (Khutbahs)
Grass-root Presentations
Suitable for Imams to deliver to general congregations
Professional Presentations
- Substance over Form
- Sources of Islamic Law Revised
- Fiqhi issues on Zakāh, Islamic Wills, Laws of Intestacy, Student Loans, Pensions, Halal Earning etc
- Make Yourself Sharī‘ah-Compliant
Advanced Presentations
- Introduction to Muʿāmalāt and its Prohibitions
- Conventional Banking Products and Financial Services
- Banking and Finance Products
- Zakah
- Contracts of Exchange
- Contracts of Investment
- Contracts of Security
- Contracts of Charity
- Modern Practices from a Sharī‘ah Perspective
- Takāful
- Ṣukūk Structures, Case Studies & Some Sharī‘ah Concerns
- Understanding & Calculating Zakāh Part 1 (of 2)
- Understanding & Calculating Zakāh Part 2 (of 2)
- Prepare Your Free Islamic Will in Just 10 Mins
- Preparing a Sharī‘ah-Compliant Will Part 1
- Preparing a Sharī‘ah-Compliant Will Part 2