How should ownership of a house be divided if both spouses contribute towards regular payments and also the initial deposit?

Q: How should ownership of a house be divided if both spouses contribute towards regular payments and also the initial deposit?


الجواب حامدا ومصليا ومسلما ومنه الصدق والصواب

A: The ownership of your brother’s house depends on the understanding at the time of purchase between your brother and his wife.  If the understanding was that the property was owned 50:50 then that shall remain the case irrespective of who then pays what amount.  Normally, a husband and wife will consider their ownership to be 50:50 with any contribution being made to the property being on behalf of both of them.  Unless they have an understanding/agreement to the contrary this shall remain the case.  Thus the ratio of ownership is dependent on the understanding between them at the time of purchase.  The same would apply to yourself.  There is no need for you to give money to your wife so that she can contribute towards the payments of the house.  Your initial understanding is sufficient.

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