What happens to the wealth of a revert if they leave no Muslim inheritors?

Q: What happens to the wealth of a revert if they leave no Muslim inheritors?



الجواب حامدا ومصليا ومسلما ومنه الصدق والصواب


A: A revert who leaves no Muslim inheritors may bequeath up to one third of his/her residual estate to non-Muslim relatives and friends etc.  Under an Islamic system, the remaining two thirds would be deposited in the public treasury.  This would then be utilised by the state to meet the maintenance, medical, funeral and other needs of the poor and destitute who have no guardians.  In the absence of such system in the west, the revert would be advised to write a valid Will in which the two thirds would be bequeathed to charities that would perform this function.



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