Is it permissible to give to charities who fund military arms or tobacco investments?

Q: Is it permissible to give charity to organisations if one knows they are funding military arms and tobacco investment? الجواب حامدا ومصليا ومسلما ومنه الصدق والصواب A: Military armaments can be both permissible and impermissible depending on the situation at hand.  In fact, they can even be an obligation such as when needed for […]


Is it permissible for me to ask a colleague who is a student to use his student identification to get the discount, knowing that it’s for me?

Q: I want to buy some software for my computer for the overall benefit of the charitable organisation I work for, is it permissible to ask a colleague who is a student to use his student ID to get the discount, knowing that it is in fact for my work usage? Will my colleague be […]


How can I make up for being dishonest with insurance companies?

Q: I have been dishonest when it comes to car insurance for e.g. by claiming on someone else’s, falsifying mileage and driving without insurance. How can I rectify these mistakes? I used my dad’s break down cover on my car which covers, the cover holder on multiple cars, with my dad’s permission, to get my […]


What are the Islamic rules regarding ownership of Gifts for Inheritance Tax purposes?

Q: In the UK, it is possible through a UK inheritance tax law, known as the 7 year rule for a mother to transfer ownership of a home to her son.   The idea is that when the transfer is made, the individual who gifts the property has to live for 7 years for there to […]


Is the Takaful model the government wants to introduce for funding university tuition permissible?

Q. Please can you advise as to the shariah permissibility of the Takaful model the government wishes to introduce as alternative finance for funding university tuition fees? الجواب حامدا ومصليا ومسلما ومنه الصدق والصواب A. The tentative opinion of Al-Qalam Panel is that an amended version of the Takāful model proposed in the BIS consultation […]


Is it permissible for Zakat funds to be spent on non-Muslim beneficiaries?

Q: Is it permissible for Zakat funds to be spent on non-Muslim beneficiaries? Can they be considered mu’allafati quloobuhum in this context? الجواب حامدا ومصليا ومسلما ومنه الصدق والصواب A: The category of “those whose hearts have to be reconciled” mentioned in Verse 60 of Surah Al-Tawbah refers to various groups of poor [according to […]


Permissibility of Sealed and Unsealed Bids When Selling Properties

Q: If two or more parties have offered the asking price of a property. The standard process is for the estate agent to enter all interested parties into sealed or un-sealed bids in order to achieve the best possible price for the propery.  Usually this results in offers being made  above the asking price. Sealed […]


Is it permissible to buy and sell precious metals and commodities on the market?

Q: I am interested in trading precious metals and commodities on the market and wanted to know if this is halal. Looking at the market they seem to sell silver based on GBP. Am I allowed to buy and sell these items in the same way shares are bought and sold, in order to gain […]


Is one regarded as sinful for delaying the paying of zakat to such an extent that a year passes?

Q: My zakat is calculated yearly on 16th Sha’ban. This year for example, it was £500. My habit is to split the £500 into 11 monthly payments. My aim is to pay the zakat £500 before the next years Sha’ban. However, sometimes I budget and maybe miss a few months. Thus for example by 16th […]


Is the final salary/defined benefit scheme permissible?

Q: I am a teacher in a secondary and one thing that is offered to all teachers is the Teacher Pension scheme. such a scheme or any pension scheme deemed as halal, would it be better to opt-out of such schemes? It is the teacher pension scheme offered by the government. Each month an amount […]